Mining the Moon, a "Fusion" of Energy and Space Technologies -- Soc, Tech
Yes, the Russians are planning to mine the Moon. More power to them. Which is, incidentally, the point.
Russia's Energia Space Corporation (heavily state-controlled) plans to build a permanent base on the Moon to start "mining" the isotope Helium 3.
The idea would be to use helium 3 to power thermo-nuclear power stations, harnessing its potency to achieve nuclear fusion.
The technology to exploit helium 3 is still under development, but it has been touted by a significant academic school of thought as "the ideal fuel of the future" with several countries expressing interest. The race is now on to be the first to make it work.
Russian scientists have come up with the idea of using "lunar bulldozers" to heat the Moon's surface in order to get at the resource, and Mr Sevastyanov has told an academic conference that Moscow is keen to institute regular cargo flights of helium 3 back to Earth as soon as possible.
So yes, fusion does have a future. Admittedly, if we get alternative sources going here on Earth, its future may be in space, but it's a promising one nevertheless. (There aren't many sources of wind or water in hard vacuum, nor much in the way of solar power amongst the outer planets or in the Kuiper Belt.)
"We are planning to build a permanent base on the moon by 2015 and by 2020 we can begin the industrial-scale delivery ... of the rare isotope helium 3," Mr Sevastyanov said."The Earth's known hydrocarbon reserves will last mankind 50 to 100 years at the present rate of consumption. There are practically no reserves of helium 3 on Earth. On the Moon, there are between one million and 500 million tons, according to estimates." Much of those reserves are reported to be in the Sea of Tranquillity.
Mr Sevastyanov predicted that nuclear reactors capable of running on helium 3 would soon be developed and said that just one ton of the isotope would generate as much energy as 14 million tons of oil.
"Ten tons of helium 3 would be enough to meet the yearly energy needs of Russia," he added. However, Russia is not the only country interested in the technology. American scientists have expressed interest in helium 3, arguing that one shuttle-load of the isotope would be sufficient to meet US electrical energy needs for a year.
During the Cold War the space race had more to do with prestige but in an era when the world has become acutely aware of the finite nature of its resources, a new 21st-century race is developing with a very different aim: to secure a new source of energy for future generations. Helium 3's chief advantage is that it is not radioactive, so there would not be a problem disposing of it once it had been used.
A relatively radiation-free source of fusion power would be a welcome addition to our energy options indeed. And space itself might be the perfect place for it.
Future Imperative