Feedback on... South Korea Is Building Legions of Robots -- Soc, Tech
One reader offered the following comment on my article on military and security robots in South Korea:
An all-machine army could be easily defeated by an E.M. Pulse. I do think that in the future, wars will be fought my computer, especially as we start adding computer intelligence to do everything for us. Terrorist will be able to commit crimes from a remote server and not even set foot in the US.
To which I replied...
Most electronics-dependent military equipment is shielded against EMP radiation. A simple Faraday cage will suffice.
Your point is well-taken, though. An EMP generator or just a huge jammer could be used to cut off remote controlled vehicles from their controllers, either rendering them useless in some situations or even making them vulnerable to subversion or critical logic errors.
As to your point about cyber-terrorism, it's already prevalent. Advisors to the Chinese military have already recommended it as a method of "asymmetrical warfare" (as it's called in American military jargon) for use against a conventional superpower. The Pentagon and other U.S. military sites are apparently being assailed by hackers all the time, making it difficult to determine who is merely a hobbyist, who is a criminal/subversive/anarchist hacker, and who might be an agent of a foreign power or a terrorist.
So your latter prediction has, to some degree, already come true. Incidentally, my favorite kind of prophecy... =)
Future Imperative
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